Here in the nature reserve, Ruhestetter Ried, I live with my five children and the animals since 2011. This incredible place of more than 2.5 ha of land offers me the peace I need for my work as a life coach and director. With a view of the Swiss Alps and the many acres of undeveloped land around the house, I have everything a free spirit like me needed. Here I have created a real home, which invites you to relax and recharge your batteries.
Book the body painting day or the bow shooting taster

Stay a day in nature, relax have fun, its the ideal place for your next summer birthday party for your kids but also for a weekend BBQ for the adults! 🙂
Bring your kids with you to visit us, my 5 kids are growing up on our farm, I know firsthand the challenges of running a small family business… but our family farm is the foundation for who we are as warm, loving, carrying beings, connected to this wonderful nature reserve at the heart of the beautiful LAKE CONSTANCE!

Family where life begins & love never ends.